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Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

What is PickJack?

So you've probably answer bunch loads of quizzes and polls and other stupid stuff on Facebook to fill your brain with cyber garbage, right? What if I tell you that not only could you do exactly that, but they'll pay you for it! is a half social networking site and half online quiz circus which pays its members to answer and write quizzes on the site which in turn get answered and rated also by other members. I see what you're thinking. How?

Here's how:

First, you have to open a Paypal account (a must for every internet superminimicropreneur). After this you are now open to the busy bustling world of PTCs, blogvertisments and insanity.

Second, you have to REGISTER at PickJack and answer 20 questions correctly to be able to post your own question. Answering, posting, rating and commenting will earn you points which can earn you dollars. Be warned that we're talking about cents here at first but since you're only picking between A, B, C and D, it's not a bad deal. Plus if you really put your fingers into it, members have proven that they do actually earn from doing so.

It's not what I would recommend to busy people and people with jobs, school or reviews because it may seem like a waste of time. But if you're like me for the past months, stuck on the computer, staring blankly at my Facebook homepage and wondering what on earth to do now, then this may be a nice change for you.

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