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Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

PNA Seminars and Trainings for 2010

Committee on Continuing Education
January - June 2010

January 15 - Basic Infection Control Course
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 600 Member
Php 650 Non-Member

January 21 - International Job Opportunities at the
Doorstep of UK

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

January 22 - Pregnancy and Post Partum Care
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

January 25-28 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 4,000

January 29 - Preventing Medication Error
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

February 5-6 - Nursing Skills Fair
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 1,500 Member
Php 1,700 Non-Member

February 12 - Asthma Today: Definition, Diagnosis
and Causes

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

February 19 - Easing the Anguish of Alzheimers Disease
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

February 22-25 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 4,000

February 26 - Think before you Talk: Effective
Communication in the Workplace

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

March 5 - Patient Safety Goals:
Focus on Prevention of
Wrong Site-Wrong Patient Surgery

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

March 12 - Patient Safety Goals: Focus on
Patient Identifiers

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

March 15-17 - End of Life Nursing Education Consortium
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

March 19 - Care of the Premature Infants
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

March 22-25 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 4,000

March 26 - Acute Stroke
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

April 2 - Coronary Artery Disease
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

April 23 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

April 26-29 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 4,000

April 30 - Metabolic Syndrome
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

May 7 - Drug Administration Principles
and Computation

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

May 14 - Aspiration: Preventing a
Deadly Complication
in Vulnerable Population

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

May 21 - Marfan Syndrome: Inherited Disorder
has far Reaching Effectss

8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

May 24-27 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 4,000

May 28 - Pain and Its Management
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

June 11 - Bloodborne Pathogens
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

June 18 - Influenza Update
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member


Venue: PNA Auditorium
Philippine Nurses Association, Inc.
1663 F.T. Benitez Street, Malate, Manila

For further inquiries and confirmation, please contact
Mr. Nicole at tel. nos. 4004430 / 5210937 loc. 1006

NOTE: Scheduled seminars are subject for cancellation
without prior notice.


Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Wordless Wednesdays: Just Right For Summer

Self-taken at Italiani's at Mall of Asia.
Just heavenly.

(Yest another Thursday Edition of Wordless Wednesdays.. :) )

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010


The largest Japanese spider crab ever seen in Britain will go on display in Birmingham until the end of March.

The 1.5m long crustacean, named Crabzilla, can be seen at the city's National Sea Life Centre before it is shipped to its permanent home in Belgium, BBC News reports.
Curator Graham Burrows said: "It is rumoured these crabs can grow as big as four metres, big enough to straddle a car.
"He will absolutely dwarf the other crabs in there, but he's not aggressive and they should have nothing to worry about."
source: DigitalSpy

Unresponsive / Over Responsive Ipod Touch Screen

2 months from purchase date, my iPod Touch is in for repairs / replacement. Honestly, I'd rather they just replace the whole thing rather than having one that has already been tinkered and prodded open.

I brought it today to Power Mac Center Megamall Branch to have it looked at and they did admit a possible hardware defect though I was quite irritated at first because my iPod was trying its best to act fault-free exactly at the time I needed it to do a tantrum. Thankfully, I was able to convince the people there that it was indeed a problematic unit.

The Problem:

It started from a tiny strip of unresponsive part of the screen, approximately 2 mm thick. I wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't from the drawing app I installed and tried to use. It was when I tried to draw a circle on the virtual canvas that I observed that the circles that I was making tend to be lopsided on the left part of the screen. I tried to shade the whole screen with "ink" with vertical strokes and there I saw a strip of canvass that wouldn't fill up. I tried horizontal strokes and the strip was shaded reluctantly.

I ignored it for weeks because aside from the drawing app, it wasn't disturbing any of the iPod's functions and my day to day interaction with it. But then it started interfering with my typing and I couldn't press the letter E and the number 3 in an upright keyboard but when rotate via landscape, I was able to type freely so I let it go. Then things started going horribly wrong.

The unresponsive strip was beginning to thicken and now, when rotated to a landscape view, all the letters on the third row of the keyboard with Z, X, C etc. and the backspace key would not respond to touch. I also experienced some weird, alarming things with the faulty screen. Two times it happened that when I touch and hold on the defective part (while viewing a photo), the screen would start twitching like it's having a gadget-seizure. Afterwards, just hovering my finger on the screen would make it select things on its own like a possessed iPod in need of exorcism. Sometimes it would even open applications when my finger is nowhere near the device. (These are the problems that my iPod pretended not to have while speaking  and doing a demo with Power Mac's representative. I told them about it although I don't know if they believed me.)

Just a day before finally giving in on having my iPod  (and all my ebooks on Stanza. *gasp!*) temporarily taken away from me for at least two weeks so that it could be repaired and/or replaced (Thank Obama for the 1-year Warranty) I could not even select the apps on the left most side of the screen including music etc. without repeated touching so I guess that left me no choice.

Thankfully, the representatives at Power Mac were quite accommodating and it didn't matter that I didn't bought the unit from their store. They didn't even look at the receipt, the only proof that it was still under warranty, and 10 minutes later, I was out the door with an acknowledgment receipt with a number to call in case I want to check on my unit in their San Juan Service Center branch.

Hopefully, my good mood will prevail in the 2-3 weeks that I have to painstakingly wait for the return of my beloved non-human companion. Am crossing fingers that I will get a replacement unit. Now that will make me very happy.

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Happy Valentines Day

I can't remember when and where I first heard this song, but what I do recall is how haunting and emotional it sounded that I just can't get it off my head. At that time, the uber-90's Song Hits magazines are still the primary sources of song lyrics and searching / downlading songs from the internet is science fiction. Years after years I held on to few memorized lines but I never forgot this song. Then youtube was invented and I was reunited with this masterpiece.

Few songs about the ambivalent day that is February 14 can do what this song did. It captured the whole other universe of this highly commercialized day devoid of roses, chocolates and all things sickeningly sweet. It is beautifully written and composed, yet painfully honest. Pity not a lot of people are familiar with this song, that's why I feel compelled to share this rare gem with the world.

Happy Valentines Day
by Trina Belamide

It's Valentine's day again Chocolates and roses, dinner by candlelight
But not for everybody There'll be three less roses given away tonight
'Coz Jimmy's girl got on a plane
He tried to stop her from leaving but tried in vain And he'd hand her three roses now
But she lives so far away To a lonely heart, how does one say
Happy Valentine's Day

It's valentine's Day again
Long-time lovers lighting the fire once more
But it's gonna be cold tonight
For someone whose lover walked right out the door
See, Anna's fighting back the tears
Broke up with her beau for nine long years
And she's throwing her dreams of walking down the aisle away
To a broken heart, how does one say
Happy Valentine's Day

Cruel, oh so cruel
Be with your lover and be glad
And if you're without a lover
Well, that's just too bad
Cruel, oh so cruel
No other day like this
Can make you long so much
For the one you miss

It's Valentine's day again
Jay's got the flowers, but somehow it's not the same
Though April's happy
'Coz all he can do is set them on her grave
It's been two years since she passed on
But somehow the pain still lingers on
And no other day can magnify it like this day
To a grieving heart, how does one say
Happy Valentine's Day

How do you say
Happy Valentine's day

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Word of Caution to Stanza Users

Do NOT (I should say NEVER) update the app to version 2.1 if you are using USB cable to transfer books from PC to device. Apple has reportedly demanded the removal of the USB sharing feature in Stanza, a popular application for reading ebooks among iPhone / iPod Touch users. And since I have no wifi connection at home and transfer my books primarily that way, I see this as a huge setback to my most beloved and thoroughly used app.

I know I mentioned a few weeks back that I was using the download-from-email feature of the app to transfer my books from my PC to my iPod but that was before I grew tired of searching for a commercial wifi signal every time I have a new book that I want to put into my Stanza library. Being able to transfer via USB cable is practically a gift from the heavens as I was able to do bulk transfer to the device almost instantly and without leaving the comfort of my home.

Now, I almost never update my apps and just this day I decided to look at the 30 updates iTunes has been prompting me to download and I was surprised to see Stanza was one of them. Thank Obama I was able to read first what the update was about before downloading it or else my reading heaven would have been totally screwed up.

It is no secret that Apple has been trying to pave its way into the ebook business, and especially with the release of their latest (and should I mention useless) creation, the iPAD, I see clever marketing ploy to handicap one of their competitors in the market.

Boo Apple. You have disappointed me.

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Failed the Board Exam. What now?

The turn of February brought much more than the anticipation of Valentine's Day for thousands of people, especially those who have been waiting for the release of the results of the November 2009 Nursing Licensure Exam. Unfortunately, more tears were brought about by the sudden news rather than celebrations for getting to have a shiny new PRC card.

Only a total of 37, 527 out of 94,462 nursing graduates passed the board exam, amounting only to 39.73% of the number of students who have taken it, the lowest percentage ever of passers in the history of the test. As others will have the bragging rights to put the letters R.N. at the end of their names and upload print screens of the results with their names in highlighted glory on Facebook, the majority will be sulking at home feeling the stabbing pain of this magnanimous disappointment.

But fret not. Failing an exam is not the end of the world although it might feel like it is.  Presently, one can take the exam until he/she passes so there is still hope for that sought after license to be at the palm of one's hand. I suggest more focus and determination and that RN status is well on its way. Do not let one setback throw away 4 years of hard work at nursing school.

That said, I've included here the list of requirements for filing of application for the July 2-3, 2010 Nursing Board Exams. Deadline for repeaters is on April 14, 2010 and May 14, 2010 for first timers. I suggest you file early to avoid the oxygen deprived mass exodus to PRC on days near the deadline.
  1. Duly accomplished Nurses’ Application Form (NAF);
  2. NSO issued Certificate of Live Birth;
  3. NSO issued Certificate of Marriage (for married women);
  4. Transcript of Record with scanned picture and remarks: “For Board Examinations Purposes”;
  5. Record of OR-DR Cases (for 1st timers only);
  6. Summary of Related Learning Experience – (for 1st timers only);
  7. Four (4) pieces passport size (1 ½ x 1 ½) colored picture with complete name tag in white background;
  8. Community Tax Certificate;
  9. Examination Fee of P900.00;
  10. One (1) window mailing envelope; and
  11. Valid Identification Card.
The July board exams is months from now (how I wish the exams were also held in July last year giving us more time to review after graduation) and there is a lot of time left to prepare so mend that bruised ego and start reaching for the stars.

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Hackers Successfully Install Linux on a Potato

Hackers from the Web site successfully installed Linux on a potato. It's the first time the operating system has been successfully installed on a root vegetable.

“A potato doesn't have a CPU, memory or storage space, so it was quite a challenge,” said Johan Piest of the Linux on Anything (LOA) group. “Obviously we couldn't use a large distribution like Fedora or Ubuntu, so we went with Damn Small Linux.”

After weeks of trying the group got a Linux kernel specially modified for a potato loaded, and were able to edit a small text file in vi. Linux was loaded onto the potato using a USB thumb drive and commands were sent in binary to the potato using a set of red and black wires.

read more: BBspot