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Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Instant Photoshop (

While taking blogghopping to the ultimate level, I've encountered a post about this new website which virtually photoshops your picture so it would look perfect on social networking sites like Facebook, Friendster (for those people who are still living in the dark ages), Multiply and so forth.

Really, it's hilarious if not useful. Sites like these take into account the reality that most pictures on social networking sites are edited, healed and cropped to perfection. However, I don't think it sends the message that all of us are fakes, posers and imposters (I know they all mean the same, I just want to go all thesaurus on you). It's just that technology is so advanced nowadays that it's so tempting to use it even for the vain cause of looking more presentable at least in primary photos, which almost all your friends and the whole world will get to see. If it makes you happy and a bit more confident, at least in the world wide web, then hey, brush those imperfections away.

So I tried this site and it really works. Aside from the residual flaws the computer can't seem to identify and the inkling feeling that it just makes your picture more yellow, the picture kind of did look better than the original one. You can switch viewing the treated picture and the original with the tabs available.
I thinks it's perfect for those people who don't know how to use Adobe Photoshop or just too lazy to manually erase those hormone induced flecks. Maybe you don't have the time or the program's not available. This is the site for you.

There's no registration required, all you have to do is click on the CLICK HERE sign, upload your picture and wait for a few seconds and that's it. I tried it with a candid mobile phone snapshot and it looked great after being treated. However, I also tried it with a formal ID picture I had scanned before for my resumes and the white background turned all yellow. So I guess it only works for those vain angled driven self portraits we young people today have mastered taking.

You can try it for your self here at

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