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Selasa, 26 April 2011

Catholics Grow Desperate with Iglesia ni Cristo's Support on the RH Bill

Catholic die-hards are still reeling from the near fatal blow from the news of religious institution giant Iglesia ni Cristo's support on the much contested Reproductive Health Bill. Even though their stand on the issue has been released since October, it is just a few days ago that the decision was made public.

The controversial law-to-be (yes, I'm that optimistic) has been debated about since last year but it is just recently that one can see the razor sharp fangs of the church showing it's ugly head. Much has been said about  what anti-RH people have thought of INC's "sudden" change of mind, whether their leader was bribed with cash etc., but more apparently, much has also been photoshopped to show such distaste for the Catholic's lost ally on the fight against contraception and women empowerment

In the article before this, I tackled on my dream of having a religion-free world, one that is devoid of hate, wars and discrimination. I wrote about my belief (and John Lennon's) that the universe would be such a better place without contradicting faiths.

For those people who still need more proof that being a close-minded follower of a certain religion is detrimental to the unity and progress of our society, our anti-RH Bill (mostly) Catholic peeps are here to further enlighten your mind.

Photo by: San Carlos Manansala

Photo by: Alaska Dor
Source: Photos from the I Oppose the RH Bill Facebook Page

So, not surprisingly enough, not only is Iglesia ni Cristo's church being virtually vandalized by these irked and quite desperate followers, Atheism and even the Muslim faith (interestingly personified by Robin Padilla himself) is taking the blame. 

What can I say? Great job you self-proclaimed epitome of morality people. You have done a fantastic job showing to the world just that.

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