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Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Cooking Dash: Thrills & Spills (Review)

I've mentioned before that I'm a sucker for these Dash games and was looking for quite a challenge. Well, I think PlayFirst heard such request and cooked up a sumptuous serving of action-packed culinary adventure worthy of staring at the computer screen for hours on end and suffering a splitting headache afterward. Seriously, I think my eyesight noticeably worsened after finishing the 6 restaurants in Casual mode. And there's still Expert mode to cook and conquer.

Cooking Dash 3: Thrills and Spills is a lovely concoction of diverse recipes, interesting customer personalities and insane rushing around the place to meet the sought-after goal. This time, mini-games were added to the gameplay where the dish prizes that you get from playing will be usefully waiting for you in the next round. I loved how they incorporated these individual miniature tasks to the over-all experience of getting through all the levels the game has to offer.

I also noticed that there was a change in the long-time standard of having to clean up the plates and drop them off to the bin two at a time. Now, a power-up is available so that Flo just "throws" the dirty dishes aside rather than having to walk all across the screen and back giving us players more time to concentrate more on the complicated dishes being demanded mostly by impatient customers.

I loved how in every level, a different kind of menu is presented for the players to learn and get used to. Cooking Dash 2: DinerTown Studios failed in that aspect which cooking specific dishes were just the same in every level, just with a different background.

All in all, the third installment of the widely popular game franchise is a definite success, as it keeps all the main addictive ingredients from the previous releases while adding a dash of fresh twist to every coke with ice served. I'll give it 5/5 stars.

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