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Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Goodbye Dishes

At last. One of my dreams has come true. We now have a stay in maid to keep our home squeaky clean and just basically livable. Ha! Goodbye scotch brite, that bald broomstick and blasted mop. Sayonara! I will definitely not going to miss you.

It has been such a long time since we had somebody to look after the house. I can't even remember the last time somebody did the dishes besides me, or my mom in rare cases. Let us take a moment of silence to relish this momentous event that is unfolding right before my very eyes.

The timing has never been better. Now that I'm officially reviewing for my IELTS exam and the house still in a state of Ondoy PTSD, there is nobody left to do the nitty gritty task of keeping everything in tip top shape. Additionally, a clean house keeps the psyche relaxed an free from mental clutter derived from the visual mess you see everyday. Believe me, I should know.

So, now, I am beyond happy, especially since this came as a surprise. I didn't know my mom was even considering hiring another one since of our bad track record with hired and fired maids in the past left this household a bit reluctant to adopt another potential disaster. Hopefully, we'll get our share of luck in this arena. And so far, things are going great. Goodbye dishes, and hello freedom! :D

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