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Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

On Changing Facebook Profile Pictures to Cartoon Characters

Imagine my surprise when I log in to Facebook and find that almost all of my friends have cartoons as their primary picture. And when I say 'almost all' I really mean approximately about 90% of my 500+ friends. Now, that's a lot of people too insecure to show their faces on a social networking site. I would understand if this is still one of those early Friendster days more than 5 years ago when nobody wanted to post their real faces online. There must be another reason.

Well, there is and this viral status basically sums it up:

Change your Facebook profile picture to a CARTOON FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD and invite your friends to do the same. Until Monday there should be nohumanfaces on Facebook, but an invasion of memories! This is for a CAMPAIGN AGAINST VIOLENCE ON CHILDREN

Now, I usually do not participate in online fads like those circulating messages about women posting just a color on their status for Breast Cancer Awareness Week or whatever but this one, I can't help but join.

First of all, I like how fun the campaign is. I enjoyed thinking of a cartoon character for my profile photo and, at the same time, it's interesting to look at who my friends also chose. It says a lot about what their personality's like more than an "At Starbucks, chillin'." status can.

As an online viral game or a serious crusade against child abuse, I'm with this latest trend even though all these pictures of childhood cartoons make me feel old.

I mean, would you believe that Princess Sarah, Cedie, Power Rangers, Mojacko, Ghost Fighter and Sailormoon are all almost 2 decades old? It seems like it was just yesterday that I was doing weird arm movements and reciting " ngalan ng BUWAN!"

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