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Rabu, 30 September 2009

A Nightmare on Elm Street in HD Trailer 2010

Freddy Krueger returns to haunt the nightmares of a new generation in the upcoming A Nightmare on Elm Street, a remake of the popular '80s horror classic.

"... a group of suburban teenagers share one common bond: they are all being stalked by Freddy Krueger, a horribly disfigured killer who hunts them in their dreams. As long as they stay awake, they can protect one another, but when they sleep, there is no escape."

I spent my childhood seeing Krueger movies \o/
Hey girl... you have a date in 2010!!

The Goth Daughters of the Prime Minister

Barack and Michelle Obama with Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his family.

According to Zapatero, Spanish law allows him to prevent the Spanish media from running any photographs of his 16 and 13-year-old daughters Laura and Alba. For their privacy, see. And because maybe it would be considered weird for the PM to have goth daughters.

But Barack Obama don't care. He's always a funny guy =D

Selasa, 29 September 2009

Apple - half red, half green (4u)

Fruit grower Ken Morrish was left stunned when he found a golden delicious apple on his tree split exactly half green, half red down the middle.

The fruit's striking colouring is thought to be caused by a random genetic mutation at odds of more than a million to one.

The apple has caused such a stir in the village of Colaton Raleigh, Devon, that Mr Morrish is inundated with neighbours queuing up to take pictures of it.

Mr Morrish, 72, who has been harvesting the apples from trees in his garden for 45 years, said: "It's truly amazing. It looks as if a green apple and a red apple has been cut in half and stuck together."

Experts believe that the odds of finding an apple with such a perfect line between the green and the red are more than a million to one.

In such cases, the red side usually tastes sweeter than the green side – because it has seen more sunshine during its growth.


Senin, 28 September 2009

Peace Day - Fail

Rest in Peace =P
I can't believe in this guy. Why he taked the dove? I think it died in his hands...

Minggu, 27 September 2009

Obscura Cuelight - Pool Table

Obscura Cuelight uses sensors and an overhead projector to create images that follow the balls as they bang around the table.
In addition to this setup, where the balls reveal an image hidden underneath, you can also set it up to have flames track behind the balls, or water that ripples as the balls pass over it.

The Ig Nobel Prizes

The Ig Nobel Prizes are a parody of the Nobel Prizes and are given each year in early October for ten achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think". Organized by the scientific humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research (AIR), they are presented by a group that includes genuine Nobel Laureates at a ceremony at Harvard University's Sanders Theater.

The winners of 2008:

Archaeology: Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araujo and Jose Carlos Marcelino, for showing that armadillos can mix up the contents of an archaeological site.

Biology: Marie-Christine Cadiergues, Christel Joubert, and Michel Franc, for discovering that fleas that live on dogs jump higher than fleas that live on cats.

Chemistry: Sheree Umpierre, Joseph Hill, and Deborah Anderson, for discovering that Coca-Cola is an effective spermicide, and C.Y. Hong, C.C. Shieh, P. Wu, and B.N. Chiang for accidentally proving it is not.

Cognitive science: Toshiyuki Nakagaki, Hiroyasu Yamada, Ryo Kobayashi, Atsushi Tero, Akio Ishiguro, and Ágota Tóth, for discovering that slime molds can solve puzzles.

Economics: Geoffrey Miller, Joshua Tyber, and Brent Jordan, for discovering that exotic dancers earn more when at peak fertility.

Literature: David Sims, for his study "You Bastard: A Narrative Exploration of the Experience of Indignation within Organizations".

Medicine: Rebecca Waber and Dan Ariely for demonstrating that expensive placebos are more effective than inexpensive placebos.

Nutrition: Massimiliano Zampini and Charles Spence, for demonstrating that food tastes better when it sounds more appealing.

Peace: The Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology and the citizens of Switzerland, for adopting the legal principle that plants have dignity.

Physics: Dorian Raymer and Douglas Smith, for proving that heaps of string or hair will inevitably tangle.

complete list:

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Bookworm Adventures 2: Fractured Fairytales

And again with the geek mode and addictions, the latest member of the short list is a PC game starring a non-vertebrae. Bookworm Adventures 2, the latest offering of PopCap games is an addicting vocabulary game combined with RPG environment.

Your goal is to guide Lex the (book)Worm into different twisted fairy tale worlds and defeat equally crooked fairy tale characters to gain points, power ups, lives and saves. Every now and then, Moxie the Fox will intervene and offer you 4 mini games in which you can win ever so useful powers and lives. This time, companion guides like Granny Goose, that weird cat from Alice in Wonderland and other mystery guides I have yet to unravel can accompany you through the different levels of tiledom and grant healing elixirs to freshen up waning health.

For me, the game is pretty easy until you reach the difficult levels at the end of each chapters where all you can see on your tile grid is X, Y, and Zs and you need to Scramble or else play 3-letter elementary words. The characters are interesting and amusing to watch. Witty quips and character descriptions bring attitude to the game. It's not hard to stay glued to the monitor for hours long.

Like all games, it can get tiring after long hours of play, but it's enjoyable enough to keep you coming back for more. :)

Arrested in Costume

Unemployed Oregonian Dusten Jacob Williams, 20, was caught red-faced on April 24th, 2006, waving a gun around outside a middle school. According to police, Williams pressed the weapon, a BB gun made to resemble a Glock, into the stomach of a student. He then rode away on his skateboard, but was nabbed a few blocks away.

Michele Allen, 32, of Middletown, Ohio, was arrested after neighbors reported witnessing her chasing children, blocking traffic, and urinating on a porch. The officer who arrested the belligerent bovine said she smelled of alcohol. Allen was charged with disorderly conduct.

Spencer Taylor of Three Rivers, Michigan, was arrested on July 27th, 2008 for trying to steal Batman paraphernalia from the lobby of a cinema. Taylor, dressed as Batman's nemesis the Joker in a purple cape and fearsome face paint, was restrained by theater employees until police arrived.
A Halloween mugshot: Travis Stone was arrested in Las Vegas on a drunk driving charge after he lost control of his Mercedes and ran it into a wall, while covered in silver body paint.

Jumat, 25 September 2009

AIDS Vaccine Research Brings In Good News

AIDS vaccine promising; experts urge caution
By: Victoria Colliver, Chronicle Staff Writer

(09-24) 19:20 PDT -- As Bay Area scientists celebrated the first promising results from the largest-ever AIDS vaccine trial, they cautioned that much more research is needed before a vaccine could be available to the public.

The news that an experimental AIDS vaccine tested on 16,000 heterosexual volunteers in Thailand had been shown to be safe and modestly effective surprised researchers, who had become used to failure in the decades-long effort to find a vaccine to protect against HIV infection.

The elusive search for a vaccine has its roots in the Bay Area, where one of the two genetically engineered vaccines used in the Thai trial was developed.

The trial relied on a combination of a modified canary-pox vaccine from Sanofi Pasteur and a drug made from an engineered version of a protein found on the AIDS virus, which was made by a Brisbane biotechnology company called VaxGen Inc. The patent for the VaxGen vaccine is now owned by Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases, a nonprofit in South San Francisco.

"At this point, especially after all the failures, any promising information is exciting," said Dr. Phillip Berman, a VaxGen co-founder and inventor of the vaccine, who woke up to the news Thursday morning. "But it's still a long way to having an approved product and figuring out how to deliver the vaccine to the people who need it the most."

The watershed results announced Thursday in Bangkok came just over a year after the National Institutes of Health dropped plans for a large-scale test of its AIDS vaccine. Two years ago, Merck & Co. halted its vaccine study after results showed the drug may have actually increased some participants' susceptibility to the virus.

A one-two punch

The vaccine, known as RV 144, employed a two-pronged or "prime-boost" approach in the Phase 3 trial. The drug made by Sanofi Pasteur "primed" the body's immune system to attack HIV and the drug developed by VaxGen "boosted" the body's response.

According to the Thai Ministry of Health and the study's other backers, the vaccine regimen was safe and 31 percent effective in preventing HIV infection compared with a placebo. Researchers described that result as significant and promising for the future, but not enough to make such a product available to the public soon.

"We are still many years away from a vaccine that will be used universally," said Dr. Jay Levy, professor of medicine at the AIDS Research Institute at UC San Francisco and one of the discoverers of HIV. "But this is encouraging because it says maybe we can derive things from this study and not have to go into something totally different."

Half of the more than 16,000 study participants were given six doses of the vaccines in 2006, and half received placebos. All received condoms, counseling, regular HIV testing and treatment for any sexually transmitted diseases. Of the 8,197 volunteers who were given the vaccine, new infections occurred in 51 people. New infections occurred in 74 of 8,198 participants who received the placebo shot.

Questions remain

The most confusing aspect of the study is that the people who received the vaccine and still got infected had no lower levels of the virus than those who took the placebo and got infected. That indicates the vaccine may be better at preventing the virus than controlling it once it gets into the body.

"That would suggest the immune stimulus isn't very strong," Levy explained. "With that said, it still was enough to block low levels of the virus from coming into the body. We would want a vaccine that would also control the virus if it infects a person."

One strain rare here

In addition, the trial focused on two subsets of the HIV strain that are common in Thailand and Southeast Asia, only one of which is commonly found in the United States. So it's unclear whether the results of the vaccine combination could be replicated in a different population.

Researchers said many aspects of the trial results are unclear. For example, several scientists said it is uncertain how the drug combination worked and whether one part was more effective than the other.

"We don't really know why and how this vaccine worked and did what it did," said Dr. Alan Bernstein, executive director of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, an alliance of AIDS scientists, governments and donors.

"This trial is raising more questions almost than it's answering," he said. "It's opened the door and it's opened up a whole lot of questions that are answerable and will be answered over the next months and years to come."

Because of the long time frame, health advocates warn that people should not count on a potential vaccine to treat and contain infections.

"It doesn't have a public health impact perhaps for many, many years," said Mark Cloutier, San Francisco AIDS Foundation. "We need to continue to keep our vigilance about prevention, testing and getting people into care."

San Francisco Chronicle

Being a part of the health care system (being stay at home blogger at the moment not counted), I could not be more concerned about serious illnesses that threaten our well-being every day. It's hard enough being amongst the sick and the dying for a living. Being enveloped in the gloom and despair of wrecked bodies and psyches regularly with pointy needles that could go through any skin barrier is even more terrifying.

Normally, I am not a paranoid person. When the Swine Flu broke out, I was probably the least concerned among my family and friends. I did research on the internet and after a while, I realized that it was nothing more than a severe type of common flu with a different strain. The virus, like any virus, is self limiting and will go away after our immune system gets into the rhythm of kicking its bottom. Though people should still be vigilant, they should not let paranoia reside in their brains because having the flu is not the worst thing that could happen to a man. It's not the worst type of disease to be infected either.

Which brings me back to HIV/AIDS. Sexual encounters and contaminated blood transfusions given, what's more bothersome to a registered nurse is the everyday possibility of a rogue used needle pricking your own skin and and ending your life (figuratively) before you know it. Even if you put on every medical suit of armor (PPE or Personal Protective Equipment) available, it still will not protect you unless every inch of your body is encased in metal. Which will weigh a ton, btw.

I've heard a bunch of horror nursing stories from school and review centers to know how important it is for a vaccine to be made real soon. Decades have gone on without any breakthrough and hopefully, this time, our researchers and specialists are in the right path. I, for one, could not wait for this vaccine to be distributed to the people in hopefully the near future. Health care workers and vulnerable groups of top priority of course. :)


A chance for the frogs too =P

The Largest Frog

The Smallest Frog

A Camouflage Frog

The Transparent Frog

The Red Frog
The Poison Dart Frog

The Chile Darwin's frog

Ornated Horned Frog
Malagasy Rainbow Frog

The Clown Frog

The Amazing IVT Training Race

After the Red Cross adventure of last season comes another blockbuster hit that will surely be flooded with unemployed registered nurses all around the Metro. The IVT Training season is well on its way to record breaking box office success. As hospitals open its doors and slots get taken as fast (or maybe even faster) as reservations open, no one could predict what's in store for this new and exciting season of... The Amazing IVT Race.

I can still remember how 3 weeks ago, we were supposed to head on to Fabella Medical Center to pay our reservation fees for the upcoming September IVT training. We planned it all the day before when we found out that the said hospital was open for such. Needless to say, the very next day, dressed and ready to go, I called them to ask if there were still available slots. The answer that I got was a fat "NO" and that the October schedule has not yet been announced. So I hanged up, called my friends and canceled our trip for the day.

Same goes with other hospitals. It's either an irate operator/nurse/admin person tells you there are no slots left or there are no schedules yet available at the time or a friendly operator/nurse/admin person tells you there are not slots left or there are not schedules yet available at the time.

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating here. Applying for trainings in provincial hospitals may not be that disappointing but since we're Metro Manila people living in/near MM, those health care institutions are the only ones available for us. Though, I have yet to try and apply in hospitals near our rurban community. But I'm not sure if they're ANSAP accredited and I don't want to take a chance enrolling in one that is not.

Speaking of ANSAP, from a very useful blog I am very grateful to, here is the partial list of accredited hospitals conducting basic IVT training, including their contact numbers and addresses. I would consider this the bible of IVT Yellow Pages.

List of Hospitals Conducting Basic IVT Training

Credits go to this blog who has uploaded and posted almost everything needed to become a certified IV therapist including video tutorials, pdf files, directories, and news about other related events.

With that, I wish that you would wish us the best of luck in finding a suitable and non-toxic environment for our future trainings. Tips, advice and prayers are also accepted.

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Global Air Traffic

The worldwide air traffic of 24hs in 1min.
Like insects =)

Facebook is the New Friendster and DOTA

Harvesting is the new trend nowadays. And no, it's not because of a sudden uprising of agricultural and environmental concern among young Filipinos. It's because of a social networking site games, of all things, that got this generation hooked on becoming farmers.

Facebook exploded on the Philippine web market this year (yes, a couple of years behind other countries but we're getting there) and many have already made the switch from the prehistoric Friendster to this new and exciting site. If you're like me, you still keep your Friendster account but rarely visit it much less update it. People with no internet access at home and are not that comfortable in the cyberworld may find it more difficult to create an account from scratch and adjust to FB's more complicated user interface but I see a FS like phenomena with FB in the near future, I daresay.

But with addictions come great drawbacks (and hilarity). A few years ago, some internet war game stole the time, money and attention of males of all ages from the things they should be doing and/or spending time with (e.g. their girlfriends). Scorned women were everywhere and needless to say, text message jokes didn't let this instance pass.

I remember reading jokes and hearing true stories on how girlfriends were forgotten because of their man's addiction to DOTA. I think it's despicable how guys can be so immature to let everything slip away because of some stupid game. Plus, the fact that they look so barbaric shouting at each other while pounding on the keyboard like madmen did not help.

These days, a new trend of girlfriend vs. computer is on a rise. And it has flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables on its side.

One time while I was staring at my wall looking for new updates of my friends, I saw one status saying something like this, which really cracked me up.
"Tigil tigilan mo nga yang pagtatanim dahil hindi ka magsasaka!"
Followed by:
"Ngayon alam ko na ang feeling ng mga girlfriends na pinagpapalit sa mga computer games at Facebook."
I was, like: Seriously? Guys are also hooked on virtual planting?. This was hilarious! A comedy goldmine! Having been addicted to the same kind of thing 2 months ago but quickly got over it, I now find this situation extremely amusing.

Thank Obama my boyfriend doesn't use the internet that much and does not even have a facebook account. He even complained to me how annoying his teenage (male) cousins were playing "those games where you plant things" because he thought they were acting like kids. I've also received a text message some time ago making fun of the same situation which I LOLed at.

What I just want to point out is that... Well, I have nothing to point out. Just want to share this to you all because I'm finding this freakin funny, and you should to. :)

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Wordless Wednesdays: Mystery Munch

I'm jumping on the bandwagon and doing my own WW posts every week. Not only does it save time and trouble writing about something, I get to showcase pictures I don't know what to with. Enjoy. :)

Guess what this is.

Cat Shower

License to Care

This is to certify that the person whose name, photograph, and signiture appear herein is a duly registered professional, legally authorized to practice his/her profession with all the rights and privileges appurtenant thereto.

This is to certify further that he/she is a professional in good standing and that his/her certificate of registration/professional license has not been suspended, revoked, or withdrawn.

Senin, 21 September 2009

Spider-Man lookalike lizard

A lizard that looks startlingly like Spider-Man - Mwanza flat-headed rock agama - has become the latest fashionable pet.

The vivid red-and-blue colouring is almost uncannily like that of the Marvel superhero, and comic book fans have been flocking to exotic pet shops to snap them up.

Agamas like the Spider-Lizard, as it has become known make good pets, as they become tame and docile if handled regularly. However, they require specialist equipment in the UK to maintain their temperature.

It can grow up to a foot long, and the squeamish may find it a problem to feed – a balanced diet for an agama includes locusts, crickets, mealworms and waxworms.

Native to Kenya, the rock agama (Agama mwanzae) is unable to throw webs, but can change colour – the brightly coloured males will change brown at night or if frightened. They can also run on their hind legs, and – like Spidey – can scale vertical walls.

Post Graduate Depression Syndrome

Undergraduates may think that the day they graduate or the day they pass the board exam will be the happiest day of their teenage life. Some students can't wait to graduate from reviewing and doing mountains of paper works. I was not one of them, yet I felt like I took for granted those days when, no matter how toxic the requirements were, all I should worry about were finishing them and what to eat at lunch the next day.

Now that I know better, I urge them to think otherwise.

Graduation is just a formal ceremony where you can see your professors, deans and high ranking officers of your school wearing poofy dresses and oddly shaped hats. There is nothing special about it especially if you still have to take and pass the board exam before you can do anything with your diploma.

Passing the board exam is another thing, though. You know that you have surpassed the one thing that you needed to in order to start your life, and it's very fulfilling to see your name listed together with the thousands who passed when so many more have failed to do so. The euphoria may last up to months, if you're lucky. Other passers, like myself, weren't so fortunate.

Because what comes next after passing the board exam and having your oath taking in front of the legendary BON? Parents, families and relatives, that's what.

Being a practicing registered nurse (with salary) is not as simple as the graduate -> pass board exam -> have job -> have money -> be a productive member of the family/society chart that parents seem to have etched on their brains, especially parents from non-nursing/medical background. But reality is more complicated than that especially nowadays that clinical jobs are more elusive than ever.

And even if you have a willing backer ready to, well, back you up, you still need numerous papers which include a PRC license and certificates which takes forever to be released by your school and the PRC itself.

So what do you do while waiting for those requirements and/or job opportunities? First, if you really need the money you'll apply in a call center, make your family really happy but put your 4-year education background to waste, at least for the time being. If money is not a necessity, you bum around in your house, surf the net, be a house maid and look for Red Cross and IVT trainings. Oh, and yes, have your parent constantly nag and tell you how you're wasting time and space doing nothing.

Wow, thanks a lot. Fresh grads like us are already in an emotional turmoil of "WTH do I do now?". Add to that the sudden transition from a comfortable routine time table to an onslaught of free time you don't know what to do with. All our lives, everything followed a certain schedule where days were filled with subjects after subjects and we learned to live life in that manner. Lunch breaks were spent eating with a group of familiar people you share food, jokes, problems and laughs with everyday. Where are they now? Even if you remain good friends with all of your college classmates everyone's scattered into different directions now.

And it's not like we want to stay stagnant and be a certified bum forever. I, for one, is jealous of my batchmates who now have a paying job in the palm of their hands. I feel like everybody's moving forward leaving me all alone in the depressing state of unemployment. Still, I resist to succumb to the monetary lures of call center careers. Health care (and writing) is my passion and my background and I want to make use of the 4 years I spent studying NCM to use.

So what now? Now, I will further express myself in cyberspace because it's one of the things I know I do well and enjoy at the same time. I'm not planning to stay like this for the rest of my life but give me time.

As for tomorrow, I'm going to finally claim my PRC license. *enter big grin here*

Minggu, 20 September 2009

Spider Models

The strange models of this time are the spiders. So many eyes to make an expressive face...

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

HKM Day 2.2: Disneyland

So after a long half-day of touring the city, we finally went to Disneyland. I could tell from the start that we only have limited time but I didn't expect that we would only have 5 1/2 hours to experience the whole of the amusement park. We arrived at the parking lot at about 2pm and proceeded to walk the almost 1 km distance from the parking lot to park's gates. It was hot and humid and I wish I had brought a scrunchie to tie up my hair. After about 15 minutes of walking under the furious sun, we finally reached the ticket booths and the entrance to the house of mouse.

Disneyland arc and mansion upon entrance of the park.

Since it was past 2 and we still haven't had our lunch, we proceeded first to a small food kiosk inside the park and ate hotdogs, some kind of seafood rolls and iced tea. In a true Snow White fashion, I was surprised to see flocks of birds circling our tables and pecking up scraps of food. I thought they were so cute and brave because I'm used to birds terrified of people here at home.

Birds the Snow White Way.

While eating, we found out through the pamphlets we took from the entrance that the parade is going to start any minute. So after eating, we waited for the parade to come to our place while trying in vain to stay cool under the scarce shade of some random tree. Waiting was a mistake I have only realized after leaving the park later that day. This was the time that we should have visited the shops near the area and bought something (anything!) because we weren't going to be able to go back to them later on because of lack of time. I did, however, got to visit a small store full of Disney crystals. It was the one store I got to visit amongst the probably almost a hundred inside the park.

Disney crystal maker.

After a, more or less, 15 minute wait and a big dose of preschool tantrum (in Disneyland, of all places!) the parade started. I was clicking and recording like mad. I was alternating between recording the whole thing and taking pictures of the floats and dodging heads and other cameras held high to capture a clean shot.

Start of the Disneyland Parade.

Alice in Wonderland and Disney Princesses (feat. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella) floats.

One thing I noticed was that there were tons of Filipino dancers on the parade. It almost felt like Enchanted Kingdom on parade. Ha.

The Little Mermaid Float and the finale of the parade, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Goofy.

After the parade, we walked around the place, past Sleeping Beauty's castle, took tons of pictures , rode the carousel and ended up in a garden where random Disney character mascots were available for picture taking. We got to pose with Minnie Mouse and Goofy. Unfortunately, while in line to pose with Mickey Mouse, Minnie decided to show up and take Mickey away. It was so cute seeing mascots visit each others gazebos, still in character. In reality, they probably need to change the person inside the costumes.

After the picture taking, we decided to watch PhilharMagic, a 3D feature in a nearby theater. I actually envisioned my experience in Disneyland to be full of rides and shopping rather than settling down and watching shows but since we were bordering on having heat strokes because of the sun, sitting in an air-conditioned room seemed like a pretty good idea.

And it was. The 10-minute show was well worth it and mom and my sister had a great time because it was their first time to watch a 3D show. After that, our tour friends insisted on watching a 30-minute Lion King show and since it was still so hot outside and the heat was starting to take effect on us, especially on my mom who was already having palpitations and headache from all the walking under the sun, I didn't contest the idea even though I wanted to ride as many rides as possible with the limited time we had.

Disneyland map and a snapshot of The Lion King Live.

And again, the show did not disappoint. If it was only me, I would have not spent 30 minutes out of the less than 2 hours that we have left before the fireworks watching some show instead of further exploring the park even under the extreme heat. But since I had no choice, at least I didn't waste my time watching some boring production. The play was really good and it featured a really cool fire dance, a gymnast hanging from the ceiling and really good actors and singers.

Upon exiting the Lion King theater, since we're already on the jungle part of the theme park, we decided to ride the Jungle Log-ish ride ride with a group of Caucasians who complained later on that the tour boat guy was too fast. Ha.

After walking back to the center of the park, we rode some kind of circling space thing for kids because my sister wanted to and I have to accompany her. This was the time when I knew I'm not going to be able to do the things I've always wanted to do in Disneyland. I wanted to ride the It's a Small World fun ride and that Astro ride for thrill seekers. Heck, we didn't even get to explore the Tomorrowland part of Disneyland. There was simply not enough time. And like clockwork, the park's speakers announced that the fireworks was going to start in 5 minutes so we scurried to find a good spot for the display.

Sleeping Beauty's Castle at night right before the fireworks display.

All the rides close right before the fireworks which starts at 7:30 and we were supposed to be on the bus at 8pm sharp. With the uber long walk to the bus parking lot, it's safe to say that we should leave the park right after the display.

The fireworks display was amazing. I have the whole thing on video and I'm glad my camera decided die on me after the show. Both my cellphone camera and my digital camera perished that night and it was a waste that I didn't get to snap shots of the park with all the pretty lights on. Everything's prettier in the evening, a general rule in picture taking that every tourist should know about.

We bought pastries for dinner as we proceeded back to the bus that would take us back to our hotels. It had been a very long day and we were all exhausted. Me and my sister were still on a high as we reached our hotel room, but we needed to sleep as early as possible, because tomorrow, we're going to Macau. :)